

No One Likes a Smartarse, Nietzsche.

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Your mustache is irrelevant, I wish you were too.
What a tool. You ever get that realization that someone you've always despised for being so damn cynical is actually wise about one of his damn cynical quotes? Well I've just had that realization and I can tell you as much as I dislike it, accepting new knowledge and wisdom is (tainted) enlightenment. If you're the sort of person who grew up with happy endings or rather enjoying happy endings, you know the sort.; the lovable loser overcomes his demons, the antagonist and still walks away knee-deep in love interest. When you grow up with that sort of hope ingrained in your psyche, finding out the reality is real endings don't happen, you tend to get frustrated.

You're waiting for the ending, the resolution, the plot twist that unravels everything into sense; it doesn't come, but that doesn't stop you hoping. You wait and writhe in hope, it's all you have left. You feel it the most when you're alone because what else can you do? Then Nietzsche para-bombs in and wrecks your shitty excuses and dreams with the sad fact that you are in fact miserable in hope. Truth is, the only resolution in your life you'll ever have is death (sounds like something Nietzsche might say). Everything up to that point is just exposition on a life you're living until you don't (so do your best, I know I will).

The dude speaks truth.
Okay sorry, time to turn this around now. Hope sucks right, it alone can trick you. You'll chase shadows, you'll become content to sit and wait ("a resolution is coming right?"), you'll kid yourself into believing you have some sort of control. Hope alone sends many a man to the sirens. You need something more than hope, you need resolve and man let me tell you...there is such power in resolve (over 9000 in fact)!

Growing up, I really admired Vegeta's stupid resolve to better
himself, his reasons were a bit suspect though.
Yes, the official hero of hope is resolve. What do you want? Go get it, do it now! Resolve is our true hope, because we can determine what we want and just get it the hell done, no hope required. My hope conflicts with my resolve. I resolve to accept no less than I deserve, yet my hope has me thinking I want less or rather to go back to the only life I've ever known. So push on, keep your eye on the prize, get it done, go for it, break a leg on the your goal's face. Wreck yourself, make mistakes, break hearts, just for the love of yourself do something, keep some steel and resolve. What resolve does, it enlivens action. Action doesn't give a rat's ass about hope, it just does what it's meant to do and the consequences are what's left. Hell, you could quote me on that.

"Resolve in action is the most volatile of realities because it doesn't give a rat's ass about maybes. There's always a result with resolve." - David R. Knott (not eloquent, but who listens to eloquence these days)

Yeah Nietzsche, turns out you're only good for one thing.
Yeah, I just stole a mustache, looks good if you ask me. 

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