

Way Out Is Through

My friends it has been so long, too long. I apologize for my absense, in fact I shouldn't even be here now. Luckily I love you, because I could've just as easily fallen asleep. Now I'm acting the fool, we all know I need this blog more than you do or at least, I did. Folks, I'm by no means a perfect human being, but hitting the 50th post is somewhat of a milestone in more than one way. See for the first time in my life, I'm feeling as balanced or as close to balanced as I've ever felt.

I'm enjoying my work, I'm enjoying myself, I'm enjoying others, I'm enjoying my past and I'm certainly enjoying my future. I've always been worried about writing the blog when I go through good times because who the hell cares about someone who is doing well. We'd rather they spit blood because that's interesting. Well I hate to disappoint you but I think I'm feeling entitled to a bit of good for a change.

I think I realized I'm there when I had a discussion with probably the most passionate person I've ever met. She loves what she does and is living just for that. It doesn't look easy in a real world snatching dreams up, but it seems like the purest essense of being without only existing. Anyway as we were talking I remember I was once close to being that passionate about my own future. What happened? Where'd I lose that? I don't think I ever did lose it. I think it was hibernating, waiting for a kindrid spark to set it off.

What a boom it was and it was magical. I spoke about my past and how it had broken me down, but she looked me straight in the face, stopped my runaway train of thought and said words that I wish had sunk in earlier. "You were set free."

Free is what I am, passionate is what I've found, being is what I am...and I'm feeling good.

Thanks for reading my 50th post, here's to many many more...if I find the bloody time.