

What's Emotions Got To Do With It?

Welcome back. Last week I touched on something that really interested me and I wanted to talk more about it, emotions. Or rather the purpose of emotions and why we evolved emotions. Firstly, before I get into it, animals do show emotions. Sad puppies and happy kittens are pretty blatant examples and a good reason to feature a cute picture on the blog.

Cats rule; dogs drool.
Now that that is out the way, let me explain that I'm not talking about animal emotions. I'm talking about human emotions specifically. Over time, emotions have evolved in us. As early man probably only had the capacity to show similar emotions to primates, it's interesting to think that there are new emotions that are being defined even today. Some early classics probably included, confusion, horny, anger, sadness. Today we still got those in buckets, but we also get jealousy, envy and the most important one of all, love.

But above all
We've had love for a long time, but for the puposes of science; what function does love serve? Well for one, love cannot be measured by science. Indeed it's as alien to science as yawning, we simply do not know how it triggers. We of course know how it works, chemicals releasing into our bodies working it's way through to the nibbly bits, but not how to trigger it. I, for example, cannot simply show you something and you fall in love with it truly, it usually happens through natural means (Sangoma or otherwise). Sure you may love it, but not be in love with it. And guys...this is not love:

Although it should be.
If everything in our bodies happens for a reason (sneezing and tears for example), then love serves a higher purpose. So what purpose does love serve? I think as human beings love evolved out of our need for being loved. For example, we can only love someone for so long, but if we do not receive the love back it fades and we try again. This is only a theory I have, so it's open to discussion. I'm in the mood to talk about this so tomorrow I'll unpack this subject a bit more.

Thanks for reading.

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