

The Wobbling Plate

Balance, it seems, is about trial and error. That is of course if you aim for balance otherwise break your damn plate. Yes folks, today my metaphor (I seem to love metaphors) is a dropped plate. You ever drop a plate and it hasn't smashed? Okay, I'm not talking paper or plastic plates, so let's clear that up. As the plate hits the floor it begins to wobble and spin around and around. The wobble starts crazy and slowly balances out until the plate lies flat on the tiles. That's what happens when you're given a shock to your entire existence.

Funny, I happen to find a video with a demonstration.

So I was thinking, how would you stop the wobbling plate? How would you ensure the plate doesn't wobble out of control? I now realize, why would you want to. The only proper way to come to some sort of balance in your life is to wobble one way, see it doesn't work out, then wobble the other until you stop. If suddenly you just were, exist without experience, you're nothing but a shell of potential. You got no stories to tell, you got no lessons to impart upon others and you certainly are missing out of some exciting times.

Don't be the gramps who ain't got no stories to irritate the little ones with.
Having said that, it's possible to maybe go too far and break your plate. In other words do something you ain't coming back from. These include, killing a man, getting knocked up, incurable disease and wearing len-less specs. So if you find your wobble just slightly too much to handle, I can tell you friends help a lot. Some help you wobble more while others bring you to balance, but it's always better with company.

Well most things are better with company, not this.
By now I hope I've not lost you, because I realize if you don't get the initial metaphor (I wouldn't blame you) then this whole post is a pointless rant about good Chinaware.

Keep in mind, while we all strive for balance, it doesn't mean you can't enjoy the volatile times it takes to get you there. We all have our ups and downs, it's human nature, but take it as it comes and for what it is. Growth.

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